The infusion of psychological characteristics of specialness into the field of education about health in people with type 1 diabetes

Yakhnivsky M. V.,

Vavilova A. S.


Currently, despite significant improvements in the effectiveness and accessibility of blood glucose control medications, we are not seeing a proportional increase in the level of health care and life expectancy among people with diabetes.
Perhaps by understanding why this is the case, we can identify the psychological basis of the commitment to health care in people with diabetes and formulate effective recommendations that could make the work of health care professionals and psychologists more effective, as well as improve the quality of life of people with diabetes and their immediate environment. This is the focus of the research paper we are reviewing in this article.

We hope that with this work we were able to at least partially identify the psychological factors that the health care system, people with diabetes, and all of us as a society should work on to improve the quality of life of both individuals and society as a whole.

Key words: diabetes mellitus, psychological characteristics, mental health, health care

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How to Cite

Yakhnivsky M. V., Vavilova A. S. (2024). The infusion of psychological characteristics of specialness into the field of education about health in people with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Obesity Metabolic Syndrome. 13(6), 41-45.