About the Journal: Editorial Policy Aims and Scope
About the Journal: Editorial Policy Aims and Scope
Journal «Diabetes Obesity Metabolic Syndrome» is an open-access medical journal. We publish original research papers, reviews, and case studies devoted to relevant diagnostic and treatment issues on conditions covered by these study areas.
Diabetes Obesity Metabolic Syndrome is a research and practice peer-reviewed medical journal published under the aegis of the Ukrainian Assosiation of Diabetes and Shupik National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.
It has been published since 2012 under the direction of Prof. Borys M. Mankovsky, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.
ISSN: Print 2304-6090 On-line 2415-7252
Editorial Policy
Aims and Scope
The importance of the journal is due to the urgency of the problem of diabetes, the ever-growing number of people suffering from this disease, and the high risk of developing diabetic complications that may affect almost all body organs and systems. For this reason, the treatment of diabetes should be comprehensive, multidisciplinary. Management of the disease requires involvement of not only endocrinologists/diabetologists, but also physicians of other medical specialties.
Diabetes is closely related to obesity.
Obesity is a separate important medical problem that requires close attention and investigation.
Diabetes Obesity Metabolic Syndrome has been published since 2012. The purpose of the journal is to provide postgraduate education to endocrinologists and family doctors. The audience of the journal includes endocrinologists, family doctors, and highly specialized doctors. Six themed issues per year. Distributed free of charge among specialized doctors and medical institutions of Ukraine.
Diabetes Obesity Metabolic Syndrome publishes high-profile and original papers, short reports, notes on clinical practice, lectures, reviews, letters to the editor. Original articles are accompanied by comments from members of the editorial board or well-regarded experts in the field. All papers submitted to the editorial staff are peer-reviewed.
Open Access Statement
The Journal Diabetes Obesity Metabolic Syndrome follows the policy of the Open Access. All the articles are located permanently and free of charge at once after the issue’s publication. The full textual access to the Journal’s scientific articles in the real time mode is provided on the official site of the Journal in the Archives section.
It corresponds to the definition of the open access from BOAI. The license policy of the Journal is compatible with the most policies of the open access and archiving of materials.
The Journal works on the license CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. It gives an opportunity to read, to load, to copy out, to expand, to print, to search, to quote or to refer to the full text of the article in this Journal.
The Journal Diabetes Obesity Metabolic Syndrome was included to the list of Ukrainian Scientific professional editions in which the
results of the doctoral thesis for PhD achievement for the specialty 222 «Medicine», can be published, category «B» (approved by the order of The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 23.12.2022 No. 1166).