The problem of interrelationship between diabetes mellitus and depression has drown interest recently, but connection between two illnesses had been noticed a long time ago. In the 17th century a prominent English teacher and doctor Thomas Willis had written that among quiet people, they experienced grief and confusion by stretching the trivial hour, growing risk of developing for diabetes mellitus. Naturally, in our days we don’t talk about the direct etiological role of depression in the development of diabetes, but the link between two diseases had been well established. Currently, there are no universally recognized international or national recommendations, dedicated to specific treatment issues of people with diabetes and depression. Treating patients with a combination of diabetes mellitus and depression should be given the same attention to the correction of depression symptoms (by the use of appropriate psychological approaches and treatment with medication) and achievement diabetes compensation. A certain thing, the priority points at these should be suicidal warnings attempts, elimination of symptoms of depression and achievement remission of depression. The treatment of people with diabetes mellitus and depression should not delay, and relay only on doctors — endocrinologists, therapists or specialists in family medicine. These patients instead should be referred for examination and further treatment to specialized psychiatric hospitals or departments.
Keywords: diabetes mellitus, depression, Thomas Willis, suicidal attempts.
Received: 20.12.2021
Revised: 10.01.2022
Accepted: 20.01.2022