Doms № 1 -2022

Doms № 1 -2022 (54-63 p)

Diabetic kidney disease
Sakharova Yu. V. – 54-63


Diabetes mellitus is a chronic, incurable disease that requires constant treatment for a long time. Despite the existing successes in the treatment of diabetes, there is an increase in morbidity in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. According to the forecasts, by 2040 the number of people suffering from diabetes at the age of 20–79 will increase to 642 million. However, despite the present successes to over 100 years since the development of the first methods of treating diabetes, this disease not only remains one of the biggest problems in the world, but it is becoming more and more widespreading, taking on a character of pandemic. The greatest danger of diabetes mellitus is associated with complications that are characterized by damage both the peripheral nervous system and damage to blood vessels, in particular, with the development of a formidable complex as diabetic nephropathy, which develops in 30–40 % of patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes and takes a leading position among the causes of chronic kidney failure worldwide. In patients with type 2 diabetes diabetic nephropathy ranks third among the causes of death after cardiovascular system diseases and oncological pathologies. Constant expansion of knowledge about the mechanisms of action of damage to vessels, and in particular, renal pathology in diabetes has an important role in the prognosis of the disease and treatment of its complications. This is a review article about the diabetes kidney disease.

Keywords: Diabetes mellitus type 1, diabetes mellitus type 2, diabetes kidney disease, diabetic nephropathy, complications.


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    Received: 02.12.2021

    Revised: 25.01.2022

    Accepted: 15.01.2022