Doms № 1 -2022

Doms № 2 -2022 (51-66 p)

Glucometers in diabetes patients’ self-control and the principles of selecting them in pharmacies in Ukraine
I O Vlasenko, L L Davtyan 


Self-monitoring of blood glucose levels using glucometers allows patients to achieve diabetes needs and is recognized as a cost-effective strategy to improve glycemic control. Today we offer a wide selection of glucometers, so relevant there is a study of the glucometer market in Ukraine and the establishment of their features in use. About-conducted a multifaceted marketing study of glucometers and test strips, which are presented at market of Ukraine. The analysis showed the import dependence of the Ukrainian market of glucometers, the range of which is 39 types of devices in 2022. Wide range, features of application, additional functions and the complete set of glucometers gives the chance to patients with a diabetes mellitus to choose the necessary device for self- control, which will fully satisfy his needs and requirements. Formed factors which affect the choice of meter and priorities for different age groups. For practical use the principles of choosing glucometers for different categories of patients that will help the patient to choose a glucometer for diabetes self-monitoring to provide individual needs. Knowledge of the features of glucometers is an important aspect for the provision of medical and pharmaceutical technical care to patients.

Keywords: glucometer, diabetes mellitus, marketing, pharmaceutical market of Ukraine, principle of choosing a glucometer, pharmaceutical care.

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