As of today, about 30% of the global population is overweight or obese, which is almost two and a half times the number of children and adults who are malnourished. If the prevalence of obesity will continue to grow at the same rate, about half of the adult population of the Earth will suffer from obesity by 2030. The intestinal microbiota, depending on its composition, can both stimulate the occurrence of diseases and have a protective effect. Trying to understand pathology, Hindu-forged by microbiota, the article considers several main mechanisms: increased energy accumulation, changes in the regulation of the metabolism of fatty acids, especially butyrate, bile acids, lipopolysaccharides, GABA, the effect on the endogenous cannabinoid system and toll-like receptors and “metabolic endotoxemia”. In this article, we consider disorders, in one way or another associated with metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance, with particular attention paid to obesity and diabetes.
Keywords: intestinal microbiota, endocrine-metabolic diseases, overweight, obesity.