The role of hyperglycemia in the course of strokes in patients with diabetes
Mankovsky B. M.
Key words: hyperglycemia, stroke, diabetes mellitus, acute disorders of cerebral circulation, prediction.
Hyperglycemia is an important factor in worsening course and increasing the mortality rate in patients with acute cerebrovascular accidents, both in patients with diabetes and in people without diabetes. It was estimated that negative impact of hyperglycemia on the course of acute disorders of cerebral blood circulation can be compared with the impact of increasing of age by 20 years. There is no doubt that the post-stroke prognosis is much worse in elderly people. At the same time, the question of whether hyperglycemia independently affects the course and prognosis of a stroke (and then correcting hyperglycemia must necessarily lead to an improvement in the course of a stroke), or whether hyperglycemia is a so-called an epiphenomenon, that is, it only reflects the severity, type of stroke, localization and size of the focus of brain damage, but also does not affect the course of stroke and has no independent pathogenetic significance, does not require mandatory active correction. This literature review summarizes new data on the course of stroke in patients with diabetes.